Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Another Tribute: Becca

Every year on the 21st day of July, I have the privilege to commemorate the coming into this world of my little sister Rebecca, Becca for short. Becca is amazing. She has taught me so much. She is the only reason I can say that I know the meaning and have been to a regatta. Last year Rebecca was the player of the year on Langley High School’s crew team. She amazes me that she’s such a good rower. I recall as a young whippersnapper, my brothers and I went to the Ashburn pavilion, a swimming pool and work out facility. We decided to try the ergometers, also a vocabulary word learned due to my sister, because we thought they looked cool. Oh how my back ached after using that machine! How I regretted having used it! (In all reality, I did enjoyed using it but truth be spoken, it was one of the harder work outs I had ever done.) How surprised I was when I came home from college one day to see a real ergometer in our basement! ‘What was it doing there?’ ‘Where did it come from?’ and ‘How did it get there?’ all raced through my mind at the same time. As it so happened to be, it was the schools. Becca got it on loan to further her training. What dedication she had to her newfound joy.

First one to Greet me from the Brazil

Becca has always had a soft spoken but strong personality. I have been impressed over the years how much Becca puts up with. With five older brothers, she has been the victim to a lot of injustice including but not limited to my barbarisms, brutalities, and balky behaviors. She is a true example of humility.

She's Beautiful

Another thing that sets Becca apart from the majority, i.e. all, of my family, is that Becca is undeniably the most into graffiti. I sent two years of my life living within the graffiti covered walls of Brazil as a Latter-day Saint missionary. Throughout my time as a missionary, I came to not only appreciate but also love the expressive art behind good, wholesome graffiti. I do not wish to promote the illicit behavior of tagging but I intend to speak of the art form of graffiti and its style of art. I find it beautiful when properly done (this includes permission). Rebecca and her friend graffitied her bedroom. It was a very cool and innovated bedroom look.

In conclusion, I wish to express my gratitude for my younger sister. I love her and wish I could be closer to her, not only in distance but also in bond. I am proud of her and will only admit this once, I think she’s taller than I am. Today she turns 16 and can now officially ‘date’ under our standards. I, therefore, ‘can not’ get mad at her dating; however, if you are reading this and get any ideas, you better beware… As she is my younger sister and is leaving the pre-dating world, I would like to have fun by reminiscing with an old childhood practice, acrostic poems.

First Time Driving!

Mom, Ignore These Last Two Photos






Can’t believe there’s another C, wish she was here to help because she’s so much more Creative than I am

Awesome Sister


  1. Hey, just because she is 16 doesn't mean she needs to start dating. Becca's friends who are boys, remember, she has more uncles than she can count, or even knows about...

  2. That's what I'm saying... Man, how old are you? You at least thirty...
